Wednesday 2 April 2014

New Site.. New Hive

Well now I have somewhere to put my hives I have sited my new kenya  top bar hive. It is an entirely non-standard 51" long (unless you usually cut ikea worktop in half longways), and can take about 32 topbars and a couple of follower boards.
(No my labrador isn't a miniture breed, it's just perspective :) )
This one has an entrance at each end which my children have decorated for me.
These are periscope style entrances, entering low outside,  high inside.  This should be big enough to take two colonies this year if I am lucky. There are also smaller entrances just under half way on each side to aid with splits and save the bees having to move through the whole brood nest during a heavy nectar flow. I have cheated a bit and hinged the  roof as i didn't fancy lifting off a roof this large everytime I needed to inspect. All I need now is the bees!

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